Course List

EBIS4033 e-Customer Behaviours and Web Analytics


The purpose of this course is to study the overall customer decision-making process by analysing the customer’s behaviours in an e-commerce environment. Web analytics is for understanding e-customer behaviour through analysing the spectrum of data from web sites, social media platforms, blogs, RSS feeds, and mobile devices in order to derive the most relevant insights from the available data. Major areas covered are: the customer behaviour analysis and customer data management and customer knowledge management, customer data collection methods, web data collection tools and techniques, measurement and analysis of customer data, evaluation of online marketing campaigns which enable companies to acquire, convert, and retain customers. Learning in this course will be accomplished through lectures, case studies, in-class exercises, group project and presentations, and research papers.

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EBIS4053 Developing Applications for Mobile and Social Media


This course provides an understanding of contemporary web and mobile applications that enhance the possibilities for social interactions, for exchange of information and content creation on mobile devices, and the use of these applications for business opportunities. It equips students with the knowledge and skills for analysis, design, implementation and operation for mobile and social media business applications. It enables students to develop mobile and social media applications for business improvement and innovations with features such as location-based services and community-based recommendation services.

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EPIN3003 Managing New Business


You have a business plan—now what? Most businesses fail within the first five years of start-up, and this is not due to a lack of effort on the part of the founders. This course will focus on the issues that founders encounter when they attempt to implement a business plan and turn an idea or model into a going concern. These issues include, but are not limited to: formulating a viable business model, determining location, determining scale and scope of family business and succession problems, human resources management issues specific to new businesses. We will also explore some contemporary and novel issues in new ventures such as the lean start-up method for new businesses.

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EPIN3013 Entrepreneurial Finance


The primary objectives of this course are to (1) understand the concepts, features and institutions involved in entrepreneurial finance and private equity markets; the organising and operating of new venture; and the financial and non-financial performance measures; (2) evaluate ways ventures can be financed; (3) value new ventures based on risk assessment, and how the financial valuation and deal structure can affect the development of the business, the management team and the shareholders; and (4) develop turnaround and exit strategies.

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EPIN3023 Marketing for Entrepreneurs


The objective of this course is to introduce students to the key concepts of marketing with relevant to entrepreneurship in the start-ups and growing process of their enterprises, and their application in contemporary dynamic business environment. Focuses are put on marketing strategies, which are suitable for small business with limited marketing resources.

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EPIN4003 Corporate Entrepreneurship


The purpose of the course is to introduce students to corporate entrepreneurship principles and concepts. It will prepare students with the capabilities to: 1) Identify and define key concepts in the corporate entrepreneurship area; 2) Apply entrepreneurial skills and approaches within an organisation; 3) Develop innovative and entrepreneurial organisations; 4) Create new venture within the organisation

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BUS3043 Qualitative Research Methods


The objective of this course is to impart students with the knowledge and capability to apply different qualitative research approaches to conducting business research projects. This course, which provides a solid foundation on both theories and applications of a variety of qualitative research techniques (including case studies, ethnography, archival research, participant observation, interview and focus group methods, as well as transcription and analysis), will help students in preparing a practical-oriented BBA Project.

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EPIN3033 Entrepreneurial Decisions and Compliance


Introduce and develop the quantitative skills that entrepreneurs will need to reinforce their visceral qualitative approaches to decision-making during the venture life-cycle from initial development, through organising, operating and survival, to consolidation. The skills revolve around the financial concepts of cash, risk and uncertainty, constraints, opportunities and alternatives, and performance. In addition, regulatory compliance is essential for legitimate operation of the venture. The laws and regulations on business vehicles, intellectual property, franchising, corporate governance, tax and financial reporting are also covered.

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EPIN3043 New Product and Innovation Management


The objective of this course is to familiarise students with the concepts and practices in the creation, development, design, marketing, and launching of new products and services. The knowledge and skills gained will allow students to make informed decisions about which new products to make or what services to offer, and what strategies and development processes to implement. Identifying opportunities, developing strategies, and designing processes for the creation of new products/services are key responsibilities for both entrepreneurs inside and outside successful enterprises. However, developing new products/services is fraught with several risks, which lead to failures of many products/services introduced into the market. This course is focused on improving the chances of success for new products/services.

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EPIN3053 Logistics and Transportation Management


Logistics was originally a military term. Traditionally, logistics means the organised movement of goods, services, information and people from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The scope of logistics has been growing rapidly since the last few decades with the advance of technology. It has also been estimated that logistics costs account for one third of the cost of doing business. Effective logistics management is hence crucial for the success of the company. This course introduces logistics and distribution management and aims at providing students with a full understanding of business logistics management, transport, inventory and distribution systems.

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EPIN4013 Global and Social Entrepreneurship


There are two main objectives of this course. The first objective is to introduce students to the concepts and practice of taking entrepreneurship global in the emerging markets as well as in advanced economies. The objective is to explore the special problems and advantages relevant to startups and entrepreneurial small and medium firms in a global context. The second objective of the course is to heighten students’ awareness of the roles that social entrepreneurs can play in the changing economic and social systems. Social entrepreneurs address problems that the government, private sector, and traditional non-profit sector fail to achieve systemic impact. Social innovations are new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet the social needs of different elements which can be from working conditions and education to community development and health — they extend and strengthen civil society. The course considers the full spectrum of social business models, including strictly non-profit organizations, enterprises developing revenue-generating products or services for a social goal, and socially responsible for-profit companies. Students will be introduced to the concept of social entrepreneurship while exploring the many mechanisms for and barriers to achieving social impact. The course topics include design thinking, strategic planning, project management, teamwork, fundraising, marketing, leadership, and project sustainability. The course also requires students to confront issues of power and privilege, develop awareness of their strengths, and think about how these factors combine to achieve impact.

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EPIN4023 Entrepreneurial Internship


The objective of this course is to provide students the opportunity to better understand the entrepreneurial process. Under the guidance of faculty and business owners, students will be guided to complete a work assignment of no less than 150 hours, to be either paid or non-paid to learn successful entrepreneurial experiences in preparation for a business plan or to create an enterprise with the potential to grow globally.

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ENG1013 Introduction to the Study of Language


This is a general introductory course to raise students’ awareness of language via the study of various aspects of human language, including: sound patterns, word structure, sentence patterns, historical changes of language, dialects, language families, society and language, language acquisition, writing systems; introduce students to the concept of language structure, and the social and cultural functions of language; prepare students for further, detailed research and study (and presentation) in language or linguistics.

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TRA1003 Principles and Methods of Translation


This is a foundational course with the objectives of both training students in the basic approaches to translation while also engaging students in the challenges common to the practice of translation. Various translation skills and methods will be analysed and compared. Special emphasis will be placed on the development of the students’ knowledge of cultural backgrounds and difference.

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TRA2003 General Translation I

通识翻译 I

This course aims at providing a foundation in the theory and the practice of translation and applying that knowledge to communicate effectively in diverse cultural and linguistic contexts. Particular emphasis is placed on translation in accordance with different professional text types.

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