Course List

WPEX2003 Sports Culture - Dragon Boat

体育文化 - 龙舟

源于战国时代的龙舟是我国一项喜闻乐见的集体育与娱乐一体的民族传统体育活动,在急鼓声 中划刻成龙形的独木舟,做竞渡游戏,以娱神与乐人,是祭仪中半宗教性、半娱乐性的节目。 早在 1980 年,龙舟就被列入中国国家体育比赛项目,各地每年都要举行各种形式的龙舟比赛。 本课程主要教授赛龙舟的基本理论知识、基本技术、技能和比赛的基本规则,介绍赛龙舟在国 内、外发展的最新动态与发展趋势。本课程教学结合龙舟运动的特点,普及水上运动的基础知 识,增强学生的体育意识,发展学生力量素质和协调性,有利于心肺功能的改善和提高,培养 学生团队协作精神、顽强拼搏精神,促使其身心全面发展。 *特别提醒:龙舟课程将会集中在周末时间上课,具体时间安排将会在第一堂课上告知。如果周 六、日没有时间上课的同学请谨慎选择。

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COMP4163 Neural Networks and Deep Learning


This course presents the principles and applications of Neural Network and Deep Learning, which is a branch of Artificial Intelligence. This course focuses on the use of deep neural network and big data, the applications of which are changing the way we live in our modern world. Students will learn about fundamental concepts as well as state-of-the-art tools and techniques.

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ENG1063 Reading & Writing about Infographics


This course aims to improve students’ ability to write trend and feature descriptions as well as short summaries on information presented in infographics, such as charts, diagrams, graphs, and tables, for academic purposes. The course will include visual information used in various fields of academic study and online media. The main focus will be on written texts, but students will also verbally discuss trends and features of infographics in order to improve their presentation skills.

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SOC1093 Social Sciences in the Contemporary World


This course aims to: 1. Familiarize students to the complexities and diversity of the modern society in local and global context. 2. Examine the contemporary social issues based on different social perspectives. 3. Apply the acquired perspectives in their daily lives.

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RUS1003 Russian II


This course is an intermediate level of Russian language. Designed for students who have the basic knowledge of Russian, it aims at continuation of building their linguistic and communicative skills in the four areas of language learning, i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing. By the end of the course students will acquire a vocabulary that will enable them to go shopping in a Russian cultural context and to order a meal in a restaurant. They will learn to talk about their university studies and life on campus. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing grammar skills and vocabulary through classroom assignments and drills as well as structured exposure to contemporary Russian cultural productions. Materials for analysis and discussion include short literary texts (adapted for intermediate learners), films, music videos, and internet resources such as Russian social media. All texts and materials (except the required textbook) will be distributed by the instructor.

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GDHS1023 Language, Media and Technology in the 21st Century


This course aims to: 1. introduce students to the concept of digital literacy; 2. raise students’ awareness of how various media shape our communication, social identities and social practices; 3. develop the critical skills to analyse the effects of media and technology on language, meaning; and communication; and 4. enhance students’ digital literacy skills through critically engaging with the interaction between language, media and technology.

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STAT3053 Computer-Aided Data Analysis (for Non-STAT students)


- AIMS & OBJECTIVES 1. To introduce the applications of statistical methods in real data analysis. 2. To enable student to visualize and analyze data by statistical software SPSS. 3. To familiarize students with the popular statistical software SPSS in data analysis. 4. To provide hands-on practice with real life data. 5. To provide a stimulus for the student to take a greater role in her/his data analysis. - COURSE CONTENT 1. Getting started with SPSS and data file learning 2. Data description: graphical and numerical 3. Comparing groups 4. Looking at distributions 5. The normal distribution and its testing 6. Testing a hypotheses about two population means 7. The tests for paired data 8. Comparison for means in several populations 9. Measures of association and related testing 10. Linear regression and correlation 11. Analyzing residuals 12. Multiple regression 13. Modeling techniques and statistical diagnostics 14. Categorical data analysis 15. Contingency table and its statistical analysis

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EBIS3103 Introduction to Business Data Analytics


The explosion of social media and the computerization of every aspect of social and economic activity have resulted in creation of large volumes of mostly unstructured data. Today, we have the ability to reliably and cheaply store huge volumes of data, efficiently analyse them, and extract business and socially relevant information. Therefore, local and global businesses are investing heavily in using data analytics to drive substantial enhancement in business models, business processes, and customer values. This course provides students with a solid understanding of the principles, methods, and technologies for business analytics to drive business innovations. It places special emphasis on working through applications and examples of analytics in the real world, while offering an accessible overview on some of the fundamental techniques in business analytics.

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CCM2133 3D Technology in Art and Cultural Heritage of China

中国艺术、文化遗产与 3D 应用

This course aims at exploring the basic concepts of art history and cultural heritage in China, in order to tackle misconceptions about Chinese history and civilization. It also investigates possibilities of utilizing 3D technology in studying art history and cultural heritage of China. With course materials such as 3D models and online videos, students can observe artifacts with their own perspectives. Students are also required to create an English video clip introducing their selected 3D model of artifacts. After completing this course, it is expected that students will be able to generate 3D models and will also develop appropriate skills to examine a variety of historical sources.

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MAD3143 Media Arts and Design Internship


Media Arts and Design students are encouraged to undertake a professional internship during their study. The student should complete at least 160 hours of experience. A Job description outlining the completed work function in the internship must be submitted upon completion. The student must also give a presentation on the benefits of the internship. Students will be required to link their main internship task to topics and other resources derived from their learning experiences in their programme through these forms of evaluation. Both the employer and the student file report with the MAD Programme after the internship, detailing their internship experience.

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GLD3093 Rural Economic Development and Transformation in Globalising China


This course aims at familiarizing students with the most relevant, up-to-date trends of rural economic reforms and development in China in the age of globalisation. The course intends to highlight the historical and on-going reforms in rural countryside and its development’s drivers, constraints, challenges and prospects, at a time of a new wave of industrialization, urbanization and transnational economic integration.

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MCOM2073 History of East Asian Media and Culture


This course examines the history of the cultural production, circulation and consumption in East Asia in which the textures of mentality and experiences are constructed into popular narratives which recur and are re-contextualized in global cultural industry. With a focus on the interlocked relationship between textuality and historical conditions, students are expected to explore how the historical relations of East Asian capitalistic-socialization process, given by global political economy, has been co-evolving with the generative and circulation processes of various themes, motifs and subjects, explicitly or implicitly, embedded in the cultural texts such as literary works and film. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a phenomenological angle to look at the formative process of heterogenous textures in global configuration and to consider the homogenous logic of various cultural formations in the present transnational circuit in East Asia.

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COMP4173 Digital Image Processing


This course provides fundamentals of digital images processing including basic image operations in both spatial and frequency domains, image restoration, morphological image processing, image segmentation and applications, human visual system and color image processing.

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DS4063 Social Computing


The aim of this course is to introduce the latest development of social computing, emphasize social computing techniques which include crowdsoursing online, social network analysis and social platforms and motivate students to analyze data containing social interactions.

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DS4073 Introduction to Data Visualisation


The aim of this course is to teach students how to create visualisations that effectively communicate the meaning behind data to an observer through visual perception. We will learn how a computer displays information using computer graphics, and how the human perceives that information visually. We will also study the forms of data, including quantitative and non-quantitative data, and how they are properly mapped to the elements of a visualisation to be perceived well by the observer. We will briefly overview some design elements for effective visualisation. The course will also cover with the integration of visualisation into database and data-mining systems to provide support for decision making, and the effective construction of a visualisation dashboard.

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