History of East Asian Media and Culture 东亚媒体文化史
Miscellaneous · MISC · Free Elective Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
This course examines the history of the cultural production, circulation and consumption in East Asia in which the textures of mentality and experiences are constructed into popular narratives which recur and are re-contextualized in global cultural industry. With a focus on the interlocked relationship between textuality and historical conditions, students are expected to explore how the historical relations of East Asian capitalistic-socialization process, given by global political economy, has been co-evolving with the generative and circulation processes of various themes, motifs and subjects, explicitly or implicitly, embedded in the cultural texts such as literary works and film. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a phenomenological angle to look at the formative process of heterogenous textures in global configuration and to consider the homogenous logic of various cultural formations in the present transnational circuit in East Asia.
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Last updated: 5 years, 2 months ago
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