Computer-Aided Data Analysis (for Non-STAT students) 电脑辅助数据分析(直译,非官方中文名称)
Miscellaneous · MISC · Free Elective Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
- AIMS & OBJECTIVES 1. To introduce the applications of statistical methods in real data analysis. 2. To enable student to visualize and analyze data by statistical software SPSS. 3. To familiarize students with the popular statistical software SPSS in data analysis. 4. To provide hands-on practice with real life data. 5. To provide a stimulus for the student to take a greater role in her/his data analysis. - COURSE CONTENT 1. Getting started with SPSS and data file learning 2. Data description: graphical and numerical 3. Comparing groups 4. Looking at distributions 5. The normal distribution and its testing 6. Testing a hypotheses about two population means 7. The tests for paired data 8. Comparison for means in several populations 9. Measures of association and related testing 10. Linear regression and correlation 11. Analyzing residuals 12. Multiple regression 13. Modeling techniques and statistical diagnostics 14. Categorical data analysis 15. Contingency table and its statistical analysis
GCNU1003 Speaking of Statistics
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Last updated: 5 years, 3 months ago
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