MR Course List
ECON2053 Economics
This course aims to introduce students to the principles of economics. It intends to equip learners, through various teaching and learning activities and assessment methods, with skills and knowledge to apply economic principles in contemporary economic issues. This course is also to familiarise students with the main ideas of current economists’ debate and the functioning of modern macroeconomics. In order to achieve these aims we will study the behaviours of several key variables in macroeconomics: output, unemployment, inflation, consumption and investment. The main topics to cover throughout the course will include the aggregate demand-aggregate supply model, some notion of economic growth and the impact of the different policies that governments can put into motion to accommodate the economy to different shocks, and the suitability of the policies.
Check DetailsJOUR4103 Editing Laboratory I
编辑实验室 I
In this course, students continue their work on the editing of newspaper. The course provides continuing opportunities for students to develop their professional skills and knowledge of newspaper production.
Check DetailsJOUR4113 Editing Laboratory II
编辑实验室 II
For this course each student is required to “work” as editor of an experimental newspaper.
Check DetailsEBIS3023 Electronic Commerce
This course will provide students with an understanding of the tools, skills, business concepts, strategic opportunities, and social issues that surround the emergence of electronic commerce on the Internet. Students will develop an understanding of the current practices and opportunities in e-commerce, including e-commerce models such as O2O, C2C, B2C, B2B, and appreciate the significance of e-commerce as an integral part of the more encompassing omni-channel business strategy. Students will also be able to explore many of the issues and challenges surrounding e-commerce such as cyber security, anonymity, privacy, intellectual property rights, acceptable use policies, and legal liabilities.
Check DetailsENG3053 English as a World Language
The course aims to (1) help students acquire a new perspective on English in its totality, not as the language of a few traditional English-speaking countries but as a de facto ‘world language’, with many ‘old’ and ‘new’ varieties which exhibit their own linguistic features and functions; (2) enable students to analyse the linguistic as well as social, political, cultural issues arising from the emergence of English as a world language; and (3) enhance global communicative skills and be able to recognise and distinguish common dialects, accents, and other linguistic variations of English.
Check DetailsTRA3013 English for Translators
This course builds on the English skills developed in foundation course in order to enhance students’ proficiency in translation from Chinese to English in professional contexts. Especial focus will be given to the training of students in making effective linguistic and communicative choices in diverse professional and cultural contexts.
Check DetailsEPIN3013 Entrepreneurial Finance
The primary objectives of this course are to (1) understand the concepts, features and institutions involved in entrepreneurial finance and private equity markets; the organising and operating of new venture; and the financial and non-financial performance measures; (2) evaluate ways ventures can be financed; (3) value new ventures based on risk assessment, and how the financial valuation and deal structure can affect the development of the business, the management team and the shareholders; and (4) develop turnaround and exit strategies.
Check DetailsENV3023 Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control
This course describes the sources, transport, reactivity and sink of contaminants in the environment, together with various technology options used for pollution control. It discusses the fundamental principles underlying the origins, effects and consequences of pollutants and pollution control which serves as a basis for the study of other environmental subjects such as environmental analysis and environmental management.
Check DetailsBIOL3003 Environmental Health and Toxicology
The course provides general knowledge concerning the various routes of human might be exposed to toxic chemicals. Main emphasis will be placed on the biological responses to toxicants, methods for evaluating potential toxicity, and applications of toxicological data to assess potential health risk.
Check DetailsENV3043 Environmental Study Laboratory
The practical sessions consist of experiments that utilise the techniques commonly used in environmental studies. The course illustrates the theoretical background of the subject and provides students with practical experience in biological and chemical treatments of waste and microbial conversion of biomass or organic waste. Students are trained in the basic principles and techniques for sampling and sample treatment; analytical techniques including physical, chemical and biological techniques, for environmental investigations; and practical experience in treatment methods for removal of environmental contaminants.
Check DetailsCCM2113 Event Planning and Management
This course provides a basic knowledge of event planning and management. It forms an introductory study of the events industry focusing on academic theories, which can be applied to the real-world situations. A wide range of topics relating to event planning and event management, such as event trends, event concepts, event planning and logistics, and Integrated Marketing Communications theory in event management will be covered in this course. Students will learn and practice from concepts to delivery. The course discusses various aspects of planning and managing a variety of event typology including events of festivals, culture, arts, politics, sports and other forms of business and leisure events on the different cultural contexts.
Check DetailsPSY3073 Experimental Psychology
The major objective is to provide the student with hands on experience and practice related to experimental methods in psychology. This process includes planning, designing and conducting a piece of experimental research and communicating the results to fellow students. Students will be introduced to the basics of scientific methods, principles of observation and reporting. Developing computer skills as a foundation for data analysis will be emphasised. The laboratory part of the course will provide the research experience, develop the research project and demonstrate the skills of scientific communication in both written and oral forms. The course will also introduce the important topics of research ethics and guidelines established for the protection of animal and human subjects.
Check DetailsSWSA3103 Field Practice I
实习 I
This is a supervised field practice. It enables students to gain understanding of the placement agency’s philosophy, function, policy, service delivery, and the social problems in its purview. It also attempts to help students apply social work principles and internalise social work values through direct practice. Students, through direct field-practice, are expected to develop self-awareness and the ability to integrate knowledge with practice with different target groups and a range of problems; and to sharpen assessment and intervention skills as applied to a broad range of social work roles in working with individuals, families, groups and communities.
Check DetailsSWSA4103 Field Practice II
实习 II
The field practice provides students with hand-on experience. It enables them to understand the agency’s philosophy, function, policy, service delivery, and the social problems in its purview; to sharpen assessment and intervention skills as applied to a broad range of social work roles in working with individuals, families, groups and communalities; to develop the ability in applying and integrating classroom learning and field practice with different target groups and a range of problems; and to apply social work principles and internalise social work values through direct practice.
Check DetailsCTV1023 Film History
This course aims to help the students establish a general framework to understand the establishment of the film medium in various countries from its beginnings in the late 19th century to the present. While various international developments will be explored, the course will focus primarily on developments in American and Europe. An overview of film history in China will also be included.
Check Details