Economics 经济学
Financial Mathematics · DST · Major Required Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
This course aims to introduce students to the principles of economics. It intends to equip learners, through various teaching and learning activities and assessment methods, with skills and knowledge to apply economic principles in contemporary economic issues. This course is also to familiarise students with the main ideas of current economists’ debate and the functioning of modern macroeconomics. In order to achieve these aims we will study the behaviours of several key variables in macroeconomics: output, unemployment, inflation, consumption and investment. The main topics to cover throughout the course will include the aggregate demand-aggregate supply model, some notion of economic growth and the impact of the different policies that governments can put into motion to accommodate the economy to different shocks, and the suitability of the policies.
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Last updated: 6 years, 7 months ago
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