ME Course List
STAT3003 Survey Sampling
Sample survey is a popular means for gauging opinions and views of a target population. It is widely used in many areas including behavioural sciences, biomedical sciences, social research, marketing research, financial and business services, public opinions on government policies, etc. However, improperly conducted surveys or inappropriate analyses of the results could lead to seriously wrong conclusions. This course equips students with a sound understanding of survey operations, sampling methods, questionnaire design and analysis of results.
Check DetailsSTAT4053 Survival Analysis
This course first presents parameterisations of survival distributions, in terms of hazard intensities, which lend themselves to the formulation of parametric models, including regression-type models which relate failure-time distributions to auxiliary biomedical predictors. The special features of truncation or censoring present unique challenges in the formulation of likelihoods and efficient estimation and testing in settings.
Check DetailsCOMP4133 System Analysis and Design
This course introduces the concepts and methods of system analysis and design to students with little or no experience. It provides understanding of the entire process of information system design. Topics include business event analysis, use cases, system sequence diagrams, domain modelling and the latest systems development methods, tools and techniques.
Check DetailsACCT3063 Tax Planning and Management
The objective of this course is to provide students with an in-depth study of the law and practice of tax planning and management in the Hong Kong environment. The course will give an analytical review of the Hong Kong tax system with a focus on tax planning so that students can advise management on the effects of taxation and the possible ways for modifying the tax burden of the business. An appreciation of the general aspects of Mainland China taxation is also included.
Check DetailsEBIS3063 Telecommunications in Business
This course presents general principles and major developments of telecommunications and mobile networked systems in business. Emphasis is placed on applications of telecommunication technologies, devices and concepts to e-commerce and mobile commerce in secured and efficient networked business environments.
Check DetailsCTV4093 Television Studies
This course aims to broaden the ability of the student to explain different aspects of television with an emphasis on forms of knowledge, audiences and methodologies that comprise television studies. Students completing this course will acquire recent and relevant experience of the television environment and the television profession, as well as practical skills relating to television programming.
Check DetailsCTV4133 Television Studio Production
The course introduces basic techniques of multi-camera television studio production. The equipment, personnel, and their varying roles will be explained. Fundamental aesthetics of shot composition, continuity, shot variation, shot arrangement, lighting, sound and music recording, will all be discussed. The satisfaction and ethics of teamwork will be imparted through joint and individual production of various genres of programme in the class.
Check DetailsDS4033 Text Mining and Analytics
This course introduces the basic concepts, principles, and major techniques in text mining. It apprehends the value of text mining in a broad spectrum of areas, including business intelligence, information acquisition, social behaviour analysis and decision making. It will enable students to discover interesting patterns, extract useful knowledge, and support decision making, with statistical approaches applied to text data.
Check DetailsMATH3023 The Art of Counting
This course, with the aid of elementary combinatorics, introduces some counting tools, such as pigeon-hole principle, permutations and combinations, inclusion-exclusion principle, recurrence relations, and generating functions, which would help students understand and appreciates various simple but aesthetic techniques for counting as well as their applications in real lives.
Check DetailsJOUR3223 The Language of Journalism
This course emphasizes the language use of contemporary journalism from a critical linguistic perspective. Students will learn basic and intermediate linguistic concepts and analytic tools. They will then learn how to apply these tools to analyse a variety of news texts, both written and visual. This will emphasize both a greater understanding of language use in production of the student’s own news texts and a critical understanding of the language use of other news texts.
Check DetailsEURO3003 The Political Economy of the European Union
The course examines the causes and historical evolution of European integration and then looks analytically at the institutions and the policies of the European Union, assessing their effectiveness and investigating their implications for the rest of the world. It provides a focused examination of the political economy of European integration, highlighting the dynamic relationship between economic and political integration and the respective roles of the state, market and EU institutions. Moreover, it highlights the complexities and difficulties in constructing a European constitutional order and offers a critical examination of the draft Constitution prepared by the European Convention in June 2003. It also provides a critical review of the main theoretical contributions to the debate on European integration, and explores the prospects for eastwards enlargement in the post-Communist period.
Check DetailsENG2093 The Short Story
The short story offers a basic introduction to this important genre of literature. Students focus on the critical evaluation of representative short stories by diverse authors from around the world. In doing so, students will be encouraged to identify and articulate currents of thought in the texts they encounter, to explore the manner of the expression, and to make comparisons where appropriate. The course will proceed chronologically and examine precursors of short fiction and then the development of modern and postmodern writing.
Check DetailsPOLS4053 Theories of International Relations
This course aims to investigate the various theoretical and analytical frameworks in the field of international relations. In an increasingly interdependent world where the new world order is yet to be established, a review of the dominant paradigms in international relations will facilitate a better understanding among students of the transformation of global order in the world entering a new millennium.
Check DetailsCOMP4003 Theory of Computation
This course aims to introduce the fundamental concepts in theoretical computer science. Topics include deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, regular languages, context-free languages, Turing machines, Church’s thesis, the halting problem, computability, and complexity. Also, the formal relationships between machines, languages and grammars are addressed.
Check DetailsFINM2003 Theory of Finance
The path-breaking advances in finance theory and practice over the past several decades have profoundly changed the financial world. These changes are further accelerated by the extensive globalisation of financial markets and the rapid development in financial technologies in recent years. This course provides an introduction to modern finance theory and its applications within a unified framework.
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