Crisis Management and Risk Communication 危机管理与传播
Public Relations and Advertising · DHSS · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
This course investigates the contexts, theories, and strategies of crisis management and risk communication. The course will study common issues in corporate crisis management and examine risk communication from the perspective of an organisation in crisis. The course aims to teach students not only what an organisation can, and should, do during a crisis, but also what strategic public relations can do to prevent a crisis from happening. These objectives will be met through the study of relevant theories and concepts, the study of classic cases, and through practical application of the material in projects and presentations. The activities and assessments will emphasise the relationship between public relations and an organisation’s successful handling of crises.
PRA2003 Principles of Public Relations
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Last updated: 6 years, 3 months ago
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