Posthuman Futures: Science Fiction Since 1960 后人类未来:1960 年以来的科幻小说
English Language and Literature Studies · DHSS · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
This course will introduce the genre of science fiction by providing an overview of its early roots in popular culture (including its influence on film and comics), before turning focus to the post-New Wave era of sci-fi, and its impact upon the Western academy. From canonic works of the 1960s by Philip K. Dick and Ursula K. Le Guin, to lesser-known examples from as recently as the last decade, this module seeks to showcase the cutting edge of the genre, exploring various subgenres such as cyberpunk, splatterpunk and slipstream, in order to challenge preconceived notions of what constitutes modern science fiction. In addition, the course will explore the recent schools of critical thought underpinning science fiction studies, such as posthumanism and transhumanism, in order to build upon existing critical knowledge and further understanding of and engagement with contemporary critical discourse.
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Last updated: 6 years, 6 months ago
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