
Travel Writing and the Language of Tourism 游记与旅游用语

English Language and Literature Studies · DHSS · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units

Course Descriptions

This course will examine the profound relationship between language and the experiences of travel: how travel narratives create, reinforce and challenge the “truths” about places, peoples and cultures. Besides being introduced to different types of travel writing and the scope of politics in representation, students will examine the language used within tourism industries. They will discover the different ways of and reasons for writing about a journey. Students will also take a few short trips to the Zhuhai and Guangdong area in order to experience an ethnic neighbourhood or a cultural milieu that is not familiar to them. Through short travel narratives, students will also practise the skills in story-telling and narration that are necessary to convey adventure and sensory impressions while expressing a well-informed respect for the subject of their stories.


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Last updated: 6 years, 6 months ago