
Global Human Resource Management 国际人力资源管理

Management of Human Resources · DBM · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units

Course Descriptions

The course introduces students to the general topic of global HRM in terms of environmental and organisational contexts, strategy structure and process. Next, students are introduced to HR and organisation from a comparative perspective, managing an international staff and focuses on international recruitment and selection, and performance management in an international context. After that, students are introduced to the notions of training and development of an international staff followed by issues of global compensation. Repatriation issues are discussed in terms of employee development. The course then directs its attention to issues of industrial relations and industrial democracy. The course ends with a discussion of issues, challenges and theoretical developments in global HRM.


MHR3003 Human Resource Management


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Overall Score


Last updated: 6 years, 6 months ago