
Computer Programming for Design 电脑程序设计

Media Arts and Design · DCC · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units

Course Descriptions

Rather than teaching programming language, this course will focus on teaching students how to use a design method in a practical manner that is based on extant research. Students will understand how good computer programs can help them to channel their creativity in a way that may be programmed in widely-used computer programming languages. Students will learn how to decide what the program should do for them, by learning a set of techniques that will enable them to develop their programming requirements. They will also learn how to produce programs with consistent yet flexible structures, since improvements later will always be required. A key skill learned will be to build tests into the programming process in order to increase the reliability of programs.


Workload not available


Modules not available

Overall Score


Last updated: 6 years, 7 months ago