Concept Development for Time-based Media 时基媒体概念发展
Media Arts and Design · DCC · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
The course will explore the use of composition and frame, introduce directing methodologies, and explain editing principles and sound elements. Students will be required to create a number of methods for developing and communicating concepts in time-based media, such as creating treatments, make inspirational sketches, design characters and objects, and develop storyboards. By studying animation principles and techniques in contemporary fields of graphic design, students will explore terminology used in animation, including (but not limited to) cell and computer animation, stop-motion, and frame-by-frame animation. In addition, students will learn how to use a sequence of images to communicate their ideas or tell their stories. They will come to an understanding of how content meaning is created or changed when the structure or sequence changes, and how viewers respond emotionally. In the last instance, students will be able to create motion graphics for use on television or in online media. Students will be equipped with this knowledge in a series of lectures, readings, exercises, and projects and demonstrations. Evaluations of students will be based on in-class contribution and participation, ability to critique, develop concepts, and demonstrate proficiency with various media.
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Last updated: 6 years, 7 months ago
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