Digital Imaging and Design 数字图像与设计
Media Arts and Design · DCC · Major Required Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
This course will introduce students to the fundamental practices in digital (computer) graphic design in both the art and design worlds through serial lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. Workshops, specifically, will focus on creating computer-generated images. A combination of theoretical and practical perspectives is adopted, and the course will address aesthetic as well as technical issues. Aesthetics will include issues such as composition, appreciation and the historical context, while technical topics will revolve around imaging (raster and vector), scanning, retouching, animated graphics, among others. Adopting the theoretical and practical perspective, the course is delivered by way of ensuring that students will experience digital graphics design in a very hands-on way. They will be exposed to discussions structured as seminars, and maximum participation of each student in critiquing and discussing the work of other students. For this reason, class attendance is not only regarded as mandatory, but participation in classroom discussions will be considered when grades are calculated.
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Last updated: 6 years, 7 months ago
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