
Appreciation of the Arts 当代艺术赏析

Media Arts and Design · DCC · Major Required Courses · 3 Units

Course Descriptions

The primary objective of this course is to expose students to a wide variety of visual art and design from multiple perspectives to build a comprehensive knowledge for lifelong learning. This includes but is not limited to cultural and historical perspectives and the various functions art and design has had and has as part of a universal human experience. By the end of the course students should be able to clearly define art by medium, origin in time and place and have an emerging ability to analyse a piece of art as well as distinguish the difference between types of artistic production. Students’ pre-existing ideas of how art is defined should be challenged by being confronted with alternative viewpoints of various peoples, cultures and time eras. The institutions that surround the preservation, business and transmission of artistic and creative work will also be introduced with the idea of exposing students to art and design as a profession.


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Last updated: 6 years, 9 months ago