
Advanced Directing 高级影视导演

Cinema and Television · DCC · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units

Course Descriptions

This course will help advance the student’s understanding and appreciation for the craft of acting as a director. First, the course will focus on examining the history and theory behind various acting methods. Then, students will focus on learning the fundamental skills and concepts related to one of those methods. They will work through a series of exercises – as actors - culminating in the performance of scenes and/or monologues. In the last part of the course, students will refine their skills in directing actors. Topics covered will include casting, script analysis, actor communication, rehearsal strategies and techniques, and working in different genres. This will culminate in the presentation of short, directed scenes.


CTV2063 Film and Television Directing


Workload not available


Modules not available

Overall Score


Last updated: 6 years, 7 months ago