Educational Psychology 教育心理学
Applied Psychology · DST · Major Elective Courses · 3 Units
Course Descriptions
The course in educational psychology is developed to study how humans learn in educational settings. The course explores and examines the effectiveness of educational intervention and the psychology of teaching. The focus of educational psychology is upon how students learn and how they develop, this often takes place within the context of subgroups such as “gifted children” or children with “learning and educational disabilities”. Educational psychology locates itself within a wide range of specialties within the areas of educational studies. A course objective is to expose the student to a variety of these areas such as: instructional design, educational technology, curriculum development, special education and classroom management. The broad, overall objective of educational psychology is to introduce the relevant psychological principles, theories and methodologies to problems and issues found in areas of learning and education
PSY2043 Introduction to Psychology
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Last updated: 6 years, 7 months ago
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